
The word "chiropractic" comes from the Greek words cheir (hand) and praxis (action) and literally means "done by hand." Instead of prescribing drugs or performing surgeries, chiropractors use manual treatments of the spine and joints, along with therapies and lifestyle changes to allow the body's natural state of health to fully express itself. Here are some of the manipulation techniques you may come across at a chiropractic office. 

  • Pull Weeds, Not Your Back!

    As springtime approaches, weather warms up and leaves turn green, many people will spend more time outside planting bulbs, mowing the lawn and pulling weeds. Gardening can provide a great workout, but with all the bending, twisting, reaching and pulling, your body may not be ready for exercise of the

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  • Entropy, the Gym, and You

    Let’s say you’ve been taking some time off from the gym. Maybe you reached the end of your 12-week training cycle and you’re taking a week off. It’s possible that one week turns into two or even three or four weeks. Life happens, you need to attend to some pressing matters, and going to the gym

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  • Repairing an Injured Rotator Cuff

    As we get older, rotator cuff injuries become more common, a result of the natural aging process. A similar mechanism operates in the discs separating the vertebras in your lower back. These cartilaginous structures lose water over time, becoming less flexible and more brittle as the decades roll by.

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  • Shoulder Pain - Heart Attack or Rotator Cuff Injury?

    The great TV classic ER helps teach armchair physicians to become amateur diagnosticians. He's in shock! She's got kidney stones! Rule-out pheochromocytoma! But sometimes a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. You've learned somewhere - on the network news, in the Science section of The New

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  • Shouldering the Load

    As with much in life that we take for granted, we are not usually concerned with the mechanisms of how our bodies work and how they do what they do. Such knowledge is not required for use of these magnificent machines that have been freely given to us. But just as a wise consumer will care for her or

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  • Strong Bones and Core Strengthening - Good Tips for a Healthy Lower Back

    Strong bones are important for all of us, not only for the aging baby boomers about whom we're hearing so much lately. And, "strong bones" are much more than a marketing ploy cooked-up by the dairy industry and pharmaceutical companies. Bones are incredibly dynamic, constantly reshaping themselves

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  • Ten Tips for Smart Stretching

    1. Why stretch? Stretching lengthens muscles and improves flexibility. Also, stretching the big leg muscles - the hamstrings, calves, and quads - simultaneously loosens and lengthens the muscles of your lower back. So, when you stretch, you're helping your back! 2. When to stretch? Recent exercise physiology

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  • Tennis, Anyone?

    Repetitive stress injuries are typically very difficult to treat successfully. These injuries are the result of actions done repeatedly, frequently, and consistently over time. They've taken a long time to build up and, therefore, the healing process also requires a fair amount of time. Shin splints,

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  • The Common Core

    Core strength is critical for everyday activities such as placing heavy grocery bags into the trunk of your automobile, carrying a gallon jug of milk from the refrigerator to the dining room table, and even walking to the mailbox. When your core strength is diminished, even bending over to pick up a

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  • The Top Shelf

    Many adults begin to develop shoulder pain, even though they may not have sustained a specific injury. It's important to pay attention to such shoulder issues, as a healthy shoulder joint is the key to full function of the upper extremities. We all know at least one person whose ability to perform normal

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  • Viscoelasticity: The Hidden Ingredient

    Most of us have experienced a painful bout of low back pain brought on by a seemingly innocuous movement such as bending over to pick up a pencil or a dropped set of keys. These painful episodes may last a couple of days or be more severe and last more than a week. We're left wondering, "What exactly

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  • When Bad Things Happen to Good Exercisers

    "There I am," a very fit patient is saying, "out on my five-mile run, motoring my way up a steep incline. Suddenly, I feel a throbbing pain in the middle of my right shin. Oh, no, I think, not again." As things turned out, the patient recovered from the shin splints1 quickly, but he knew he'd dodged

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  • Whiplash - Getting Well Naturally

    You're driving to work and stop for a red light. You're minding your own business and - bam! - your car rocks forward and backward, slammed in the rear by another car driven by some guy yakking on his cell phone. Or you're a passenger in a New York City taxi. The driver's cruising down Fifth Avenue when

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  • Your Fellow Travelers

    It has long been known that over evolutionary time the human organism developed in tandem with a vast host of microbial fellow travelers. The 100 trillion microorganisms inhabiting our gastrointestinal tracts assist in numerous physiological processes critical to our health and well being. The intestinal

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  • Why Are Super Foods So Super?

    In recent years, media pundits around the world have proclaimed the extraordinary value of so-called super foods. Blueberries, broccoli, and especially kale have been described as possessing remarkable, almost magical, properties. What is it about these foods that makes them so good for you? From a

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  • Vitamins for Vitality

    People often wonder about taking vitamins. Should I bother? Are they worth the money? Which ones should I take? In order, the answers are yes, yes, and ask your chiropractor to recommend the brand best for you. Why take vitamins at all? The purpose of supplementation is to cover all bases -- to make

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Main Location


23436 Madero Road Suite #120,
Mission Viejo, CA 92691



Hours of Operation


9:00 am - 12:00 pm

2:30 pm - 6:00 pm


2:30 pm - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 12:00 pm

2:30 pm - 6:00 pm


2:30 pm - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 12:00 pm

2:30 pm - 6:00 pm


Emergency Only


Emergency Only